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Loyalty & Discounts

Each year at the AGM we give out a booklet with all meets for that year.

As part of the benefits of joining the East Riding BCC section of the Camping and Caravanning Club, we offer a discount towards attendance at the Christmas Dinner Dance, each time a member attends a meet of 2 days or more in any one-week period.

Currently, that discount is £2.00 for each attendance of 2 days or more in any given one-week period. This is subject to change.


The qualification for each discount is to be recorded on the opposite page by the rally steward at the time of payment is made. It is the responsibility of the member to present this card to the rally steward at the time payment is made otherwise the discount will not be given.


How to join the British Caravanners Club

To join the BCC and benefit from our loyalty program please visit

Once joined you will receive a booklet from the BCC, on the cover page there is a card to be given to the section you wish to join. Please send that to Mrs S Sibson 106 Farfield Ave Bradford BD6 2HS.

Once received we will send you our booklet so we can record your meet attendance.


We can't do it without you...

We can't run meets without volunteers...

If you are interested in stewarding one of our Weekend Meets or Temporary Holiday Sites, head over to our stewards page for more information.


Registered Address: The Camping and Caravanning Club, Greenfields House, Westwood Way, Coventry, CV4 8JH

Headquarters Phone: 024 7647 5448


Company Registration Number: 445520 England

VAT Reg Number: 238 4588 29

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Proudly created for East Riding BCC by The Wix Builder

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